Bonnie Ridley - Comp Prep - NZ - 7 weeks between pics

Changes for Bonnie

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New Zealand-based client Bonnie Ridley was 7 weeks into a program with me when she sent through this message.

Hey Sarah

I really wanted to say thank you for all your help… particularly how reassuring and understanding you have been. Also, thank you for the time you took explaining the reasoning behind certain things I am eating and why I should, the effects on my body, and also your help with the training I should do. It means a lot.

All the help you have given me since being with you over the last 2 months is crazy and it truly has helped me get back on my feet. After my last comp I really did spiral out of control. I hit such a low point due to a combination of injury meaning I could not train and then relationship factors; I took it all out on myself through food. I had such a negative outlook on food that ranged from secret eating and binge eating to not eating at all.

To be honest, part of me never thought I could get back into shape again.  I got really bad anxiety over the way I looked.  I was even too embarrassed to go to the gym anymore because I was worried people would make fun of the weight I had put on… which sounds so silly when I write it down.

I put my original start up photo next to my 7 week update photo and I can’t believe how much has changed. I’m embarrassed I ever got to the first photo but so motivated to see what I was able to achieve and get my body looking like in 7 weeks thanks to your help. So excited to see what we can bring to stage!

Your nutrition and training plan and guidance has helped so much more than you probably realise. Not just physically, but mentally. So, thank you so much for helping me become comfortable in my own skin again, realising I am capable of bigger and better things and restoring my relationship with food and nutrition.

I have so much admiration and respect for you.

Thanks again. xx


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