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Some time back, I set myself a 15 week goal to get up on stage at the INBA Queensland titles in Australia. I achieved it but in no way was this an easy task. No partying, so many nights in, food prep, 2 hours of training a day, water loading and depletion. So much you need to go through, but…
I enjoyed the process … loved it
I have so much respect for athletes that compete in the fitness and bodybuilding industry, now more then ever. The dedication and the drive you need to achieve this goal has to be intense or you will fail.
During the 15 weeks comp prep, my coach Sarah O’Connor stuck with me and pushed me through to what I look like today.
I found out 7 weeks into it that I was gluten and lactose intolerant and had to change my whole diet and start from scratch. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to learn about nutrition and training with competing from the very best coaches.
12.5kg down and 13% body fat loss is the best feeling ever
It’s time to learn more about the process! I am so excited to get back out there with a better rig then before. Can’t thank Sarah enough xx
Rhys D’silva
September 2015
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